by Martins Bank in 1932, Tynemouth sub-Branch has plenty of character as
witnessed by the wonderful image above.
Being in a business and shopping area on Front Street in Tynemouth
means that the Branch is open full banking hours, including Saturday
mornings. Compared with opening hours in the twenty-first century, Saturday
opening in the 1960s covers the majority of our Branches and Sub Branches,
giving a six day service to many smaller towns and villages. The image above
(left) appeared in Martins Bank Magazine at the end of 1958, when the shop
next door to the branch seemed to be competing for Martins’ customers, with
this ostentatious offer of “Smiling Service”!
We were delighted to hear from Paul Davy who contacted us following an
appeal for information about the current use of the building. Paul tells us
that it has been converted into two flats upstairs, and a café downstairs.
![Sep 1.jpg](11-45-60%20North%20Shields%20Tynemouth_files/image017.jpg)
Barclays, Tynemouth underwent a radical change which brought this lovely
old building firmly into the “glam rock”
1970s. Thankfully things today are
no longer so “in your face” as this frankly frightening image from 1975…
![Sep 1.jpg](11-45-60%20North%20Shields%20Tynemouth_files/image003.jpg)
Image © Barclays Ref: 0030-2108
Image © Barclays Ref: 0030-2108-02